
Let's put the green into the green belt - now there's an idea

Paul de Zylva08 Oct 2019

Instead of building on the green belt, let’s make it green by name and green by nature. 

The future of the built environment – travel, green space and people power

24 Sep 2019

Craig Bennett shares his ideas for making cities healthier and more sustainable places with Joanna Watson. 

Government spending needed on climate and nature emergency

02 Sep 20193.2 MB PDF file

Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and others have identified that the government needs to spend £42 billion a year on climate change and nature.

Driving pesticide reduction – why the government must set ambitious targets

Sandra Bell28 Aug 2019

Will the UK government step up action on pesticides reduction in response to the current ecological crisis?

How water companies could help double tree cover

Guy Shrubsole08 Aug 2019

Could water companies use their land more effectively to help fix the climate emergency?

Why our planning system must be made fit for purpose

Kate Gordon29 Jul 2019

Good planning is essential to protect the environment from development pressures. But recent reforms threaten to compromise the ability of the planning system as a whole to deliver in the public interest.

The PM's first 100 days (reimagined)

Dave Timms24 Jul 2019

What would happen if the new prime minister acted as though he believes there is a climate emergency?

Fighting back: defending the right to protest

Katie de Kauwe. Lawyer, Friends of the Earth Legal Team22 Jul 2019

Katie de Kauwe explains how Friends of the Earth is taking legal action to support the right to protest against fracking. This article was amended on 30 November 2023 to reflect updates from a Supreme Court Appeal.

A net zero carbon budget for the whole transport sector

Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life27 Jun 2019

Analysis shows Department for Transport plans will cause UK to breach carbon budgets; radical new plan needed to cut aviation and road transport carbon by 2030

There’s something wrong in the countryside: rising pesticide use in the UK

05 Jun 2019

A close look at pesticide use reveals we’re treating crops more frequently and with a greater variety of chemicals than ever before – it’s time to reverse this trend and put the UK onto a trajectory of pesticide reduction.

Court order quashes fracking policy

03 Jun 2019

A recent ruling by a High Court judge has huge significance both for those fighting fracking applications and for planning authorities and communities looking to prepare climate-friendly, resilient plans and policies.

Getting the Department for Transport on the right track

Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life24 May 2019

A damning indictment of the failure of the Department for Transport to give proper regard to the Climate Change Act.

New bill to cut plastic pollution presented to parliament

17 May 2019External link

The Phase-out of Plastic Pollution Bill to significantly cut plastic waste by 2042 introduced to parliament in February 2019.

Climate emergency: what's the plan?

Mike Childs17 May 2019External link

We know about the dangers of hitting 1.5°C of global warming. We also know we’re on course for over 3°C. So what’s the plan?

Sea Change: Climate emergency, jobs and the managed phase-out of UK oil and gas extraction

Friends of the Earth Scotland15 May 2019External link

Sea Change reveals, for the first time, the climate impact of North Sea oil and gas extraction urging the governments to prioritise a job-creating energy transition.