
General election: scoring of manifestos and policies

24 Jun 2024382 kB XLSX file

This general election, for the first time, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace UK teamed up to score party manifestos and current party policies. The 4 main political parties were scored against a set of 40 policy recommendations compiled by the 2 organisations. This spreadsheet has the details.

Friends of the Earth vs UK Export Finance: case documents

21 Jun 2023

Read and use the case papers and other documents for our legal challenge. Friends of the Earth's legal challenge to the UK government over its backing of a gas megaproject in Mozambique was refused permission to appeal to the Supreme Court in June 2023, bringing an end to the case.

Councils and the energy crisis - a plan of action

22 Aug 20221.18 MB PDF file

A report by the New Economics Foundation for Friends of the Earth identifying how and council could address the energy crisis with the right support from the government, including costings.

Data on loft and cavity wall insulation

22 Aug 2022126 kB XLSX file

Download this spreadsheet to access data on homes that need loft insulation or cavity wall insulation by local authority area.

A lack of “suitable areas” for onshore wind in local plans

18 Aug 2022

Onshore wind is one of the cheapest forms of renewable energy, but the UK's national planning policy still doesn't facilitate new onshore wind projects. Read our report to find out more.

Friends of the Earth vs UK Export Finance: Litigation Briefing

17 Mar 2022

Read the legal briefing on the divisional court judgement for Friends of the Earth versus UK Export Finance (and others).

Road to zero carbon: council action on green jobs and skills

25 Jan 20222.08 MB PDF file

A report for Friends of the Earth, Ashden and others on what councils can do to boost green skills in their areas, including for disadvantaged communities.

20 actions parish and town councils can take on the climate and nature emergency

Mike Childs24 Jun 2021

Parish and town councils may not be as powerful as local authorities but they can be a force for change in addressing the climate and nature emergency.

An emergency plan on green jobs for young people

01 Mar 20211.36 MB PDF file

There are over 500,000 young people aged 16-24 out of work, and numbers are expected to grow substantially with the end of the furlough scheme. This is a youth unemployment emergency. Friends of the Earth commissioned consultancy Transition Economics to identify how to create green jobs quickly, with a focus on green apprenticeships, and to identify the scale of funding needed. And to put the level of funding into context, we also asked them to estimate the economic scarring impact from periods of unemployment. Read the report.

England's Green Space Gap, full report

Paul de Zylva, Chris Gordon-Smith, Mike Childs13 Sep 20201.85 MB PDF file

The full report of England's Green Space Gap including more detail, more data, and more references.

The problem with pesticides

Paul de Zylva10 Dec 2019752 kB PDF file

Although pesticides were used initially to benefit human life through increase in agricultural productivity, this report shows that their adverse effects on nature are substantial and that their use now needs to be minimised for the benefit of ecosystems and food production.

Sea Change: Climate emergency, jobs and the managed phase-out of UK oil and gas extraction

Friends of the Earth Scotland15 May 2019External link

Sea Change reveals, for the first time, the climate impact of North Sea oil and gas extraction urging the governments to prioritise a job-creating energy transition.

Citizen Participation and Popular Education in the City

Dr Eurig Scandrett01 Sep 2013External link

How citizen participation in cities can contribute to wellbeing within environmental limits.