
A radical transport response to the climate emergency

Lynn Sloman and Lisa Hopkinson, Transport for Quality of Life26 Oct 2019

Transport is now the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK and emissions are rising. This briefing outlines far-reaching changes to deliver the reductions needed and ensure a decent transport system that works for everyone.

An Eco Levy for driving: cut carbon, clean up toxic air and make our towns and cities liveable

Lynn Sloman and Lisa Hopkinson, Transport for Quality of Life23 Oct 2019

This briefing identifies why road pricing is necessary to reduce traffic levels and how using the funds raised to support public transport is critical to its success.

The future of the built environment – travel, green space and people power

24 Sep 2019

Craig Bennett shares his ideas for making cities healthier and more sustainable places with Joanna Watson. 

The PM's first 100 days (reimagined)

Dave Timms24 Jul 2019

What would happen if the new prime minister acted as though he believes there is a climate emergency?

A net zero carbon budget for the whole transport sector

Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life27 Jun 2019

Analysis shows Department for Transport plans will cause UK to breach carbon budgets; radical new plan needed to cut aviation and road transport carbon by 2030

Getting the Department for Transport on the right track

Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life24 May 2019

A damning indictment of the failure of the Department for Transport to give proper regard to the Climate Change Act.

Segregated cycleways and e-bikes - the future of urban travel

Lynn Sloman and Lisa Hopkinson, Transport for Quality of life05 Apr 2019

A third of urban journeys could be by bike with investment in segregated cycleways and e-bikes

Making the polluter pay for the transition to net zero

24 Mar 2019

Should the fossil fuel industry fund the transition to zero carbon? In the UK they cause around £44 billion worth of damage each year.

33 actions local authorities can take on climate change

19 Mar 2019

Despite cutbacks there is still a lot local authorities can do on climate change

The opportunity costs of HS2

19 Mar 2019

HS2 is using money that's needed for buses, trams, walking, cycling and other railway projects if we are to beat climate change and cure commuter hell.

The Chancellor needs to sort out transport spending mess

Craig Bennett19 Mar 2019

How can the Chancellor's spending review save us from Chris Grayling's climate wrecking transport plans?

Transforming public transport

Lynn Sloman and Lisa Hopkinson, Transport for Quality of life15 Feb 2019

Free bus travel should be offered in the UK to the under 30's as a stepping stone to free bus travel for all.

Planning for less car use

Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life03 Feb 2019

Urban sprawl needs to be stopped. We need a diverse mix of new developments in existing urban areas with high quality public transport, cycling and walking.

More than electric cars

Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life01 Feb 2019

Even a very rapid switch to electric cars will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions enough. In addition, traffic levels need to be reduced by at least 20%.