
Climate emergency: what's the plan?

Mike Childs17 May 2019External link

We know about the dangers of hitting 1.5°C of global warming. We also know we’re on course for over 3°C. So what’s the plan?

Sea Change: Climate emergency, jobs and the managed phase-out of UK oil and gas extraction

Friends of the Earth Scotland15 May 2019External link

Sea Change reveals, for the first time, the climate impact of North Sea oil and gas extraction urging the governments to prioritise a job-creating energy transition.

UK coal: why the government mustn't dig us into a hole

10 May 2019

The government is about to decide on planning permission for a coal mine at Druridge Bay. It must say no. We've already got more than enough coal for power generation.

What’s the evidence of nature declining and is extinction beckoning?

Paul de Zylva02 May 2019

Our natural world is in trouble. Are we on the verge of the world's sixth mass extinction?

Why is net zero-greenhouse gases by 2050 dangerous?

Mike Childs02 May 2019

The Committee on Climate Change says the UK should now aim for 'net zero' greenhouse gases by 2050. Much faster cuts are needed to avoid playing Russian roulette with the planet.

Insectageddon-what's happening to bees and other insects?

Paul de Zylva30 Apr 2019

If we lose the insects then everything is going to collapse.

Why supporting nature friendly farming is essential to productivity

Sandra Bell16 Apr 2019

Global insect decline is a wake-up call. Intensive farming is destroying the very species that underpin food production - including pollination, natural pest control and soil health.

Taking the government to court over environmental governance

Katie de Kauwe10 Apr 2019

Why Friends of the Earth has taken the government to court over the new national planning policy.

Segregated cycleways and e-bikes - the future of urban travel

Lynn Sloman and Lisa Hopkinson, Transport for Quality of life05 Apr 2019

A third of urban journeys could be by bike with investment in segregated cycleways and e-bikes

Why the UK should double forest area to curb climate change

29 Mar 2019

How more trees, woodlands and forests will support aims to help combat climate change, and protect and restore nature.

Australian meat industry seeks to water down UK food standards post Brexit

Alasdair Cameron25 Mar 2019

Burnt goat heads and growth hormones may soon be arriving on our tables, thanks to lobbying by the Australian meat industry.

Making the polluter pay for the transition to net zero

24 Mar 2019

Should the fossil fuel industry fund the transition to zero carbon? In the UK they cause around £44 billion worth of damage each year.

Fracking and earthquakes: why regulations must not be weakened

19 Mar 2019

The fracking industry is demanding that the government weakens earthquake regulations, The regulations, designed to protect local people and the environment, are an important safeguard on an industry that last year caused 57 earthquakes while fracking a single well.

33 actions local authorities can take on climate change

19 Mar 2019

Despite cutbacks there is still a lot local authorities can do on climate change

The opportunity costs of HS2

19 Mar 2019

HS2 is using money that's needed for buses, trams, walking, cycling and other railway projects if we are to beat climate change and cure commuter hell.