
Planning for the future - Friends of the Earth response to the White Paper

Naomi Luhde-Thompson, Kate Gordon12 Nov 2020

The government recently consulted on its proposed radical reforms to the planning system. We outlined our concerns that these will diminish local accountability, erode local democracy by curtailing the right of communities to influence planning and development in their area and fail to tackle the urgent climate and ecological emergencies.

Missing in action: natural climate solutions in England's national parks

Danny Gross29 Sep 2020

This report uncovers the untapped potential of natural climate solutions in England’s national parks, and explores how the government and National Park Authorities can better support woodland creation and ecosystem restoration in these treasured landscapes.

England's green space gap

Paul de Zylva, Chris Gordon-Smith, Mike Childs15 Sep 2020

This report exposes how widespread green space deprivation is, how it is an issue of racial injustice as well as concern from a public health perspective, and what needs to be done to fix the problem. It also showcases great examples of community led initiatives.

England's Green Space Gap, full report

Paul de Zylva, Chris Gordon-Smith, Mike Childs13 Sep 20201.85 MB PDF file

The full report of England's Green Space Gap including more detail, more data, and more references.

How can government help English councils act on climate breakdown?

Sandra Bell28 Aug 2020

Local authorities can take some action on climate change but they could do so much more if the government empowered and enabled them.

Policies for green and fair recovery plans across the UK

14 Jul 2020

Right now, there's an unprecedented breadth of people, organisations, and businesses calling for COVID-19 recovery plans to be green and fair. We spell out the policy changes needed to deliver on this aspiration.

Nine principles for using our land wisely at a time of climate and nature crises

Sandra Bell01 May 2020

How we use our land sometimes seems like a 1000-piece jigsaw where we need to put the right pieces in the right places - to cut climate emissions and boost nature. It’s particularly tricky because there’s more than one correct way to complete it. In this article I propose 9 principles that fit with Friends of the Earth’s approach to tackling the climate and nature crises here and overseas – a guide to completing the jigsaw.

The impact of coronavirus on the planning system

Kate Gordon24 Apr 2020

COVID-19 is causing widespread disruption to the UK planning system, which is there to ensure that the development and use of land is in the public interest. How can the right of the public to hold local decision-makers to account (and scrutinise plans for development) be protected during these difficult times?

The role of hydrogen in our future

Mike Childs21 Apr 2020

Hydrogen fuel has long been hailed as the silver bullet that will free us from fossil fuels, but it's time for a reality check on its production and use in a low-carbon economy .

Rewild our countryside and refarm our cities

Alasdair Cameron01 Apr 2020External link

Bringing more food production into our cities will have many benefits argues Alasdair Cameron

Ending plastic pollution – briefing

Julian Kirby19 Mar 2020

Friends of the Earth's briefing on how to end plastic pollution.

Finding the land to double tree cover

Guy Shrubsole with research by Chris Gordon-Smith17 Mar 2020

Is there really space in the UK to double tree cover? And where’s best to grow all those trees?

Post Brexit - the UK at the crossroads

Kierra Box, Trade Campaigner06 Mar 2020

The UK has left the European Union. Will the government make the right decisions to protect the environment?

Budget exacerbates climate breakdown

Mike Childs06 Mar 2020

We set ten tests for the Budget - just how well did the new Chancellor do?

Climate emergency – system change v lifestyle change

Clare Oxborrow02 Mar 2020

Based on recent research we argue that changing behaviour has an important role to play in transforming politics to save the planet.