19 Mar 2019
HS2 is using money that's needed for buses, trams, walking, cycling and other railway projects if we are to beat climate change and cure commuter hell.
Craig Bennett19 Mar 2019
How can the Chancellor's spending review save us from Chris Grayling's climate wrecking transport plans?
Clare Oxborrow12 Mar 2019
Why the government should encourage people to eat low-meat, planet-friendly diets if it is serious about cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
04 Mar 2019
Is the Government's plan for 'Net Biodiversity Gain' another ruse to let developers trample over our wildlife?
Mike Childs21 Feb 2019
The gas industry wants to increase the UK’s consumption of natural gas. And it's come up with a cunning plan.
19 Feb 2019
Biodiversity offsetting allows damage to nature in one area to be offset through conservation work in another but we show this is harming people and nature in Madagascar and elsewhere.
Paul De Zylva19 Feb 2019
Governments and businesses are presenting biodiversity offsetting as a nature conservation solution. But it’s failing people and the planet.
Lynn Sloman and Lisa Hopkinson, Transport for Quality of life15 Feb 2019
Free bus travel should be offered in the UK to the under 30's as a stepping stone to free bus travel for all.
Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life03 Feb 2019
Urban sprawl needs to be stopped. We need a diverse mix of new developments in existing urban areas with high quality public transport, cycling and walking.
Lisa Hopkinson and Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life01 Feb 2019
Even a very rapid switch to electric cars will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions enough. In addition, traffic levels need to be reduced by at least 20%.
07 Sep 2018
Friends of the Earth supports the right of individuals and organisations to take part in peaceful protest and nonviolent direct action where this is likely to support the achievement of its objectives.
01 Mar 2018External link
The International Women’s Day book that states there is no solution to climate change without women’s empowerment.
17 Mar 2017External link
It's not enough to oppose all the bad things. We also have to build our own vision of the future, and map out how to get there.
01 Jan 2015
Using the Global Calculator to put us on a pathway to curb dangerous levels of climate change.
Dr Eurig Scandrett01 Sep 2013External link
How citizen participation in cities can contribute to wellbeing within environmental limits.