
Why we need more trees in the UK

Mike Childs, Paul de Zylva and Nick Rau22 Jun 20226.52 MB PDF file

More trees are needed to cool our cities, to make farming resilient, to restore nature, and to replace the UK's imports of timber which are having a devastating impact on wildlife-rich forests overseas. Can it be done, and done fairly? And how many more trees are needed?

5 government plans to watch in 2022

20 May 2022External link

In mid-May Prince Charles presented the Queen's Speech to Parliament, formally setting out the government’s vision for the year ahead. Find out which of their proposals worry us most and what we're planning to do about them.

Is the government's levelling up plan any good?

Sandra Bell10 May 2022

The UK government has made levelling up a priority. Senior Sustainability Analyst Sandra Bell sets out 5 tests to assess the strength of the government’s approach and whether it will help the poorest communities. As the government's programme progresses, including draft legislation following the Queen’s Speech, Friends of the Earth will use these tests to report on progress.

Justice moves centre-stage in IPCC climate report

Mike Childs24 Mar 2022

Latest IPCC report shows equity and justice are essential to successful climate action

Energy NPS Consultation response

Rebecca Murray24 Mar 2022246 kB PDF file

Read Friends of the Earth's consultation response to Draft National Policy Statements for energy infrastructure.

NSIP Reform Consultation December 2021

Rebecca Murray24 Mar 2022297 kB PDF file

Read Friends of the Earth's consultation responses to the National Significant Infrastructure Planning (NSIP) process and its interactions.

Government's latest changes to planning rules are far from reassuring

Rebecca Murray21 Mar 2022

Read the latest update on planning reforms from Rebecca Murray our Senior Planner. While it’s a small victory that government has agreed to drop plans for a complete overhaul of the planning system, they have failed again to bring planning reforms in line with the country's climate and nature goals. The government should provide the right legal framework and national guidance to make our climate and nature commitments a reality.

Friends of the Earth vs UK Export Finance: Litigation Briefing

17 Mar 2022

Read the legal briefing on the divisional court judgement for Friends of the Earth versus UK Export Finance (and others).

The future of heating

Mike Childs21 Feb 2022

Meeting climate targets through electric heating backed by renewably-produced hydrogen.

Road to zero carbon: council action on green jobs and skills

25 Jan 20222.08 MB PDF file

A report for Friends of the Earth, Ashden and others on what councils can do to boost green skills in their areas, including for disadvantaged communities.

Is flooding in Northern Ireland getting worse?

Mike Childs11 Jan 2022

This briefing examines why so many more homes are threatened by flood water, where they are and what we can do to manage flood risk.

Environment Act won’t halt deforestation or protect human rights

Clare Oxborrow06 Jan 2022

Commodity supply chains are trashing forests and trampling human rights. Clare Oxborrow explains why the government’s new Environment Act will fail to protect communities and why it must take effective action to regulate UK companies.

The future of Drax: old, inefficient, damaging and expensive

09 Dec 2021

Drax power station in Selby, Yorkshire is old, inefficient, environmentally damaging and will need £billions of subsidies to survive. We argue it should start preparing for closure and its workers retrained for decent jobs elsewhere.

When will the government act to halt plastic pollution?

Camilla Zerr01 Dec 2021

Camilla Zerr, Plastics campaigner reflects on the current crisis and government’s slow progress in facing up to the plastics reduction challenge.

Rank of fuel poverty neighbourhoods by LA

17 Nov 202137 kB XLSX file

Data on levels of fuel poverty in neighbourhoods by local authority area.